NOVO’s software team provides visually appealing, intuitive user interfaces for hardware and software platforms. The user interface development process begins by working with the client to compose basic screens and capture the process workflow. User interface designers and graphic artists are consulted to provide the aesthetic value and visual cues that enhance usability. NOVO developers will incorporate directly usable user interface elements where possible, and develop additional code to run the user interface, and to integrate the process logic of the application or hardware.
The preferred tool is the Windows Presentation Format (WPF) in Visual Studio .NET, with XAML used for definition of the individual elements. The team also has experience with other specialized GUI toolkits and widget sets tuned for smaller, low-resolution displays used on compact embedded systems.
NOVO’s developers will create a user interface that is smart, modern, and intuitive for any hardware or software product. It will communicate the client’s brand identity, and enhance the user experience.